This project investigates the nature of elementary and middle school principals' knowledge of mathematics and beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning through the construct of Leadership Content Knowledge (LCK) and its effect on their practices of classroom observation and teacher supervision. Phase I of the work yields diagnostic information about the principals' level of LCK which MSPs can use as a needs assessment. In Phase II half of the participants will receive leadership training in mathematics teaching and learning as an intervention to explore aspects of LCK that change most readily and those that are more resistant to change. Phase III will use comparative case studies to address how principals with known LCK conduct classroom observations, make judgments about the quality of instruction, and indirectly, affect students' mathematics achievement. The research allows the PI to refine instruments that assess the multidimensional aspects of LCK that will be shared through the MSP Learning Network.
Project Contributions
The Effective Principal: Instructional Leadership for High-Quality Learning
The Leadership Content Knowledge and Math Instructional Quality MSP Project is pleased to announce the publication of a new book on effective instructional leadership. "This volume examines how effective...
The Leadership Content Knowledge and Math Instructional Quality MSP Project is pleased to announce the publication of a new book on effective instructional leadership. "This volume examines how effective...
Leadership Content Knowledge
Posted by: Kristen Reed . "The construct of leadership content knowledge opens entirely new realms of thought about leadership -- connecting it directly to the core function of schooling, learning and teaching -- and raising...
Posted by: Kristen Reed . "The construct of leadership content knowledge opens entirely new realms of thought about leadership -- connecting it directly to the core function of schooling, learning and teaching -- and raising...
Thinking About Mathematics Instruction (TMI) A Study Of Elementary And Middle School Principals' Leadership Content Knowledge
Slide presentation from the MSP PI Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004. Click here for a web-viewable PDF Click here for the original PowerPoint presentation
Slide presentation from the MSP PI Conference, Washington, D.C., January 2004. Click here for a web-viewable PDF Click here for the original PowerPoint presentation