NURTURES is creating an integrated system of science education for grades preschool through 3 in the Toledo, Ohio area. The University of Toledo Judith Herb College of Education and College of Engineering in collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences at UT and Toledo Public Schools along with supporting educational partners, informal science partners and community resources are working to transform the way in which PK-3 science is taught through the development and implementation of a complementary science education learning model that combines inquiry and learning, formal and informal education, teachers and parents, schools and the community, in a comprehensive effort to improve science subject interest and science achievement. Primary objectives include: increased student interest and achievement in science, increased PK-3 teachers' knowledge of science pedagogy and science standards, increased parent involvement in in-school and out-of-school educational activities, a replicable complementary science education learning model, and increased state, district and school policies supporting PK-3 science education and parent involvement.
Project Contributions
SCIIENCE: The Creation and Pilot Implementation of an NGSS-based Instrument to Evaluate Early Childhood Science Teaching
Posted by: Deanna Bobak . This paper describes the development, testing and implementation of the Systematic Characterization of Inquiry Instruction in Early LearNing Classroom Environments (SCIIENCE). The SCIIENCE instrument was designed to capture best practices…
Posted by: Deanna Bobak . This paper describes the development, testing and implementation of the Systematic Characterization of Inquiry Instruction in Early LearNing Classroom Environments (SCIIENCE). The SCIIENCE instrument was designed to capture best practices…
Engineering in Motion: First Graders Build Derby Cars While Practicing Communication Skills
"The lesson presented in this paper illustrates how the engineering design process, coupled with differentiation, can work for a population of students with diverse abilities."
"The lesson presented in this paper illustrates how the engineering design process, coupled with differentiation, can work for a population of students with diverse abilities."
Taking Science Home: Connecting Schools and Families Through Science Activity Packs for Young Children
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education indicates that introducing young children to scientific and engineering practices, core disciplinary ideas, and crosscutting concepts during the early years is essential for the…
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education indicates that introducing young children to scientific and engineering practices, core disciplinary ideas, and crosscutting concepts during the early years is essential for the…
Connecting Schools, Families and Community: Development and Implementation of Outreach Materials and Events Focused on Family Engagement
"Our theory of change argues that young (PreK-3rd grade) children will learn core science concepts if they interact with teachers, family members and community partners during (1) Exploration of science…
"Our theory of change argues that young (PreK-3rd grade) children will learn core science concepts if they interact with teachers, family members and community partners during (1) Exploration of science…
Engineering Teaching Behaviors in PK-3 Classrooms
"Guidelines provided by the National Research Councils (NRC) Framework for K-12 Science Education and subsequent implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) require that both science and engineering content…
"Guidelines provided by the National Research Councils (NRC) Framework for K-12 Science Education and subsequent implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) require that both science and engineering content…
Nurturing Early Childhood Science - Family Activity Packs
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) suggests that young children need to be exposed to , and involved in , science . In addition, research indicates that family…
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) suggests that young children need to be exposed to , and involved in , science . In addition, research indicates that family…
Design and Implementation of Community Science Events and Family Learning Segments
"The United States' economy is largely based on a workforce of citizens who are well trained in science and technology; however, with science performance scores lagging behind those of our…
"The United States' economy is largely based on a workforce of citizens who are well trained in science and technology; however, with science performance scores lagging behind those of our…
The Development of a Summer Science and Engineering Workshop for Early Childhood Teachers
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education [Frameworks] , (NRC, 2012) advocates that K-12 classroom science curriculum and instruction should blend the scientific and engineering practices, core disciplinary ideas and crosscutting…
"A Framework for K-12 Science Education [Frameworks] , (NRC, 2012) advocates that K-12 classroom science curriculum and instruction should blend the scientific and engineering practices, core disciplinary ideas and crosscutting…
NURTURES (Networking Urban Resources with Teachers and University to enRich Early Childhood Science)
Posted by: Deanna Bobak . NURTURES (Networking Urban Resources with Teachers and University to enRich Early Childhood Science) is a partnership consisting of University of Toledo faculty from the education, engineering, and natural sciences departments,…
Posted by: Deanna Bobak . NURTURES (Networking Urban Resources with Teachers and University to enRich Early Childhood Science) is a partnership consisting of University of Toledo faculty from the education, engineering, and natural sciences departments,…