BSP Showcase 2010: A New Vision of Urban Science Education
BSP Showcase 2010: A New Vision of Urban Science Education
April 12th & 13th, 2010 in Boston, MA
You are invited to attend the Boston Science Partnership's Showcase and MSP Working Session. This special two-day event will highlight evidence of outcomes that the Boston Science Partnership (BSP) has achieved in its primary five years of NSF MSP funding. We invite your Partnerships and your colleagues to join us for either or both of the days as we share results, celebrate successes, and use the BSP as a case study of a successful project. Agendas and associated materials can be found on our website,
The framing questions for the conference are, What has the Boston Science Partnership meant to Boston? and What can others learn from the Boston science story?
April 12 - BSP Showcase: The Showcase will be a daylong seminar in which we report on the findings from the project, relate quantitative and qualitative results about science achievement and professional development, and bring a wide variety of Boston science stakeholders together to understand the past and envision the future. Registration for the Showcase can be found on our website (
In addition, Massachusetts Secretary of Education Paul Reville, Boston Mayor Tom Menino, and University of Massachusetts System President Jack Wilson will give presentations about STEM education in Boston and the meaning of Bostons achievements to a wider audience. Boston Public Schools' Superintendent Carol R. Johnson will speak about science achievement across the district and the contributions of the BSP to student success.
April 13 - MSP Working Session: The MSP Working Session will provide an opportunity for those interested in learning from and replicating aspects of the BSP to learn more about how our Partnership has accomplished its goals, and to explore the BSP's strategies and emerging models in more depth. The BSP will serve as a case study of a mature project in Year 6 of its funding. Empirical evidence will be a component of each topic throughout the day. Principal Investigators from other projects will provide additional examples from their contexts to complement the specifics from Boston.
The primary target audiences for the MSP Working Session on April 13th are NSF-funded MSP projects, state MSP projects, and MSP-Start teams in the proposal development stages. There are a limited number of travel stipends for NSF projects only. Please see below for more information.
Registration fee and travel honorarium for NSF MSP projects: There is a $100 registration fee for each attendee to cover the costs of meals and materials. We encourage groups to attend. It is recommended that teams include the lead PI and Co-PIs (such as from the school district) and/or the evaluator/researcher. Teams of between two and four people from a single MSP can receive up to a $500 honorarium for each attendee to offset travel and registration costs. A single representative can receive up to $300 honorarium for travel costs. This structure provides an incentive to bring teams of people.
Funds will be allocated on a first come-first served basis and will be dispersed after the event. If available funds are accounted for prior to the event, registrants will be placed on a waiting list to receive funds in the case that a confirmed team is unable to attend. Attendees will be responsible for their own travel and lodging needs, costs and arrangements.
Detailed information regarding the BSP Showcase and MSP Working Session, including travel and accommodation information, can be found on the Boston Science Partnership website (